2025 年财案 🇲🇾

Germany to ban Chinese companies' components from core parts of 5G networks | euronews 🇬🇧

3 个月前

Germany's top security official announced that Germany will be banning the use of critical components from Chinese companies ZTE and Huawei in key parts of its 5G networks in two phases starting in 2026. READ MORE: https://www.euronews.com/next/2024/07/11/germany-to-ban-chinese-companies-components-from-core-parts-of-5g-networks#:~:text=Germany%20will%20ban%20the%20use,security%20official%20announced%20on%20Thursday. ⬇️ Always stay informed ⬇️ 👉 Follow all the news on 📲 https://www.euronews...

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