🤖 This Week's Recap - 12 Apr
AI news summaries of this week's hottest headlines by ChatGPT. Scroll down and click on the headlines for in-depth news reported by the media.

Last updated at Apr 16, 2024

weekly news recap ai icymi 12 apr 2024

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🔎 'Allah' Shoe Logo Issue

🤖 The Vern's shoe logo issue refers to a controversy surrounding the design on the sole of a Vern's shoe that resembles the word 'Allah' in Arabic script. In response, Vern's Holding apologised for any offence caused and clarified that the graphic is actually a stylised high-heeled shoe with straps. The company has taken immediate steps to cease sales of the affected shoes and is offering refunds to customers. Authorities, including the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and the police, are investigating the matter.

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🔎 Israeli Man Charged

🤖 An Israeli man, Avitan Shalom, has pleaded not guilty to trafficking six firearms and possessing 158 bullets in a hotel in Kuala Lumpur. In a related development, a couple linked to the Israeli man has pleaded not guilty to unlawful possession of firearms.

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🔎 Accidents

🤖 In the past week, several high-profile accidents have occurred in Malaysia, resulting in fatalities and injuries. A driver involved in a crash that killed three Pakistani men pleaded guilty to drug abuse, while a police corporal was detained in connection with an accident that resulted in the death of a teenage motorcyclist. Additionally, over ten vehicles were involved in a pile-up on the Federal Highway, causing traffic disruptions.

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🔎 Bank Outages

🤖 Bank Negara demands explanations from CIMB and Maybank over recent outages, urging transparency and preventive measures for customer service disruptions.

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🔎 O.J. Simpson

🤖 O.J. Simpson's family confirmed his death at the age of 76, following a battle with prostate cancer. The former NFL player and actor had been acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife and a waiter in 1995, but was later found liable for their deaths in a civil proceeding. The families of the victims have vowed to pursue compensation from Simpson's estate.

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