Editor's Picks
Here are opinion pieces we've picked for you this week.

Last updated at Mar 23, 2023

editors picks 18 march

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Tug-of-war for the Malaysian soul
FMT News

FMT News

Tug-of-war for the Malaysian soul

1 year ago

Repeal meaningless Peaceful Assembly Act โ€“ Madpet
The Vibes

The Vibes

Repeal meaningless Peaceful Assembly Act โ€“ Madpet

1 year ago

Addressing food security in Malaysia


Addressing food security in Malaysia

1 year ago

Don't steal from our future selves
New Straits Times

New Straits Times

Don't steal from our future selves

1 year ago

A whale of a deal to save the oceans (and us)
The Malaysian Reserve

The Malaysian Reserve

A whale of a deal to save the oceans (and us)

1 year ago

Regret and blame in Silicon Valley after bank run
New Straits Times

New Straits Times

Regret and blame in Silicon Valley after bank run

1 year ago

No short shorts please, weโ€™re Malaysian
FMT News

FMT News

No short shorts please, weโ€™re Malaysian

1 year ago

Silicon Valley Bank collapse has lessons for EPF
FMT News

FMT News

Silicon Valley Bank collapse has lessons for EPF

1 year ago

Another day, another ex-PM charged in court
The Malaysian Reserve

The Malaysian Reserve

Another day, another ex-PM charged in court

1 year ago

Mahathir and his myths
FMT News

FMT News

Mahathir and his myths

1 year ago

Apa presiden nak dia dapat?
FMT News

FMT News

Apa presiden nak dia dapat?

1 year ago


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